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The Demands of the World Language Classroom

The World Language classroom should be a place buzzing with conversation. Unfortunately, the demands of teaching and developing multiple skills like, speaking, reading, writing, and listening can be time consuming for World Language teachers.   

Incorporating meaningful and productive speaking practice into daily lessons can be a challenge.  Online resources that promise to build speaking skills often fail to follow language learning standards and fall short in meeting the curricular needs of the course and the students.  In addition, most language learning websites permit public access, making it an inappropriate setting for student learning that is disconnected from their teacher and peers.  Students are missing out on the real fun in learning another language…speaking it with one another! 

The Chateo Answer

It’s time for your students to SPEAK-UP, SAY-WHAT and SHOW-OFF! Chateo makes your classroom a community of speakers by providing a common space where students can record and share their speaking skills with the teacher and their classmates. 

Teachers can easily create fun and interactive speaking activities through three speaking platforms (the Speak-up, the Say-what and the Show-off).  Chateo designed each of these speaking platforms to implement ACTFL’s World Language standards for speaking, ensuring the development of interpretive speaking skills, interpersonal speaking skills and presentational speaking skills.

Chateo Speaking Activities

Speak Up

Speak up! Interpretive activities showing how you can identify, interpret and analyze in the target language.

Say What

Let's talk! Interpersonal activities geared toward exchanging information, opinions, feelings and preferences in the target language.

Show Off

Time to shine! Presentational activities showing your communication skills using video or voice recording.


Extra Help! Get some help with grammar and vocabulary to complete a speaking task.

The Story of Chateo

The idea for Chateo was inspired by years of frustration and disappointment with online resources for the World Language classroom.  After nearly twenty years of teaching World Language, Daniela Panasci was well aware of the lack of speaking practice her students were getting in the classroom and the many ways language learning sites fell short of meeting curriculum requirements and classroom needs.

Daniela launched Chateo with the hopes of providing a safe and interactive space specifically designed for the World Language teacher and students.  Teaching a World Language is more than just vocabulary and grammar; it’s about preparing students for the real world with useful communication skills.  Chateo aims to foster global citizens through World Language communication by encouraging oral communication.  Every student can experiment with the language, interact with the target language and show off their speaking skills for the real world.  It’s everything a World Language teacher would want in an online resource and just what Daniela Panasci was looking for all these years!

Speaking Tasks Matter!

Allows every student the opportunity to experiment with the target language.

Allows every student to interact with classmates in the target language

Students can demonstrate real world communication skills all by speaking!

Global citizenship preparation for students

World Language Teacher Testimonials

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sed faucibus dui. Duis volutpat ipsum in maximus mollis. Nam eget enim vel risus lacinia congue et quis urna. Vivamus magna nisi, porttitor eu consequat vel, fringilla quis metus."
- A Client

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sed faucibus dui. Duis volutpat ipsum in maximus mollis. Nam eget enim vel risus lacinia congue et quis urna. Vivamus magna nisi, porttitor eu consequat vel, fringilla quis metus."
- A Client

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sed faucibus dui. Duis volutpat ipsum in maximus mollis. Nam eget enim vel risus lacinia congue et quis urna. Vivamus magna nisi, porttitor eu consequat vel, fringilla quis metus."
- A Client

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sed faucibus dui. Duis volutpat ipsum in maximus mollis. Nam eget enim vel risus lacinia congue et quis urna. Vivamus magna nisi, porttitor eu consequat vel, fringilla quis metus."
- A Client

Join our community of speakers!

  • Free for teachers and students!
  • Access to Authentic Resources and our Global Forum
  • 3 Assignment builders for the 3 Modes
  • World Language & Global Citizenship training also available.  
  • In-person or Virtual Professional Development for your World Language Department.
  • A professional learning experience created to help World Language educators shift curriculum and learning goals to reflect 21st-century skills.
  • Participants will learn how to improve curriculum, resources, and instructional approaches to build communication skills for real-world problem solving. 
  • Learn how to explore global and social issues through language acquisition!